Delta Cure - 3nd International Meeting | Milan, October 11-12, 2024

Privacy policy

Here the page where you will find all the information relating...

Data controller: Effetti srl has its registered office in Milan (MI) Via G.B. Giorgini 16 and can be contacted by writing to,

Purpose Legal basis and retention period Nature of the provision
Sending of communications related to the therapeutic area of interest on the basis of the items completed at the registration Legitimate interest based on participation in this event or similar events organised by the data controller 1. The data will be stored for the period suitable to achieve this purpose. You can at any time oppose such sending by writing to Optional
Sending of technical organizational communications following registration for an event Legitimate interest. The data will be kept for the period suitable to achieve this purpose Mandatory to participate in the event
Monitoring of ethical practices 2 Legal obligation to which the data controller is subject. The data will be kept for period suitable to achieve this purpose Mandatory to participate in the event

Recipients of personal data: adequately trained and authorised internal personnel. Your data will be stored at computer infrastructures, managed by appropriately appointed data processors. Suppliers of technical/organizational/logistical tools (e.g. service, hostess, hotel facilities) for the realization of the event. Control Committee of Farmaindustria.

Transfer of personal data abroad: your personal data will not be transferred to third countries.

Right of data subjects and profiling: may exercise, at any time, the right of access to data, rectification, cancellation, limitation, of opposition, and portability. You can exercise these rights by contacting us directly at our e-mail address Please note that you have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority ( Your personal data will not be profiled.

1 Ex Art. 6 letter 1 GDPR: recital 47 GDPR; Art. 130 paragraph 4 Privacy Code.

2 Pursuant to art. 3.2 of the Deontological Code of Farmaindustria the data provided, such as the name, the date of birth, any specialization achieved and compliance with the current general and regional legislation on the obligation to communicate to the respective health structures of membership of its sponsored participation in congress events, may be communicated to the Control Committee of Farmaindustria. This exclusively for the purpose of ethical control and with regard to specific conference, congress, refresh course or visit to company laboratory. This provision is applicable only to visits to corporate establishments, non-ECM congressional events, refresher courses and ECM congressional events limited to the direct recruitment of doctors by pharmaceutical companies.

